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Buddha Prakash

What Is Buddhism?

Buddhism is a set of methods that helps us to develop our full human potential by understanding the true nature of reality. (Read more at studybuddhism.com)

5 Reasons to Meditate
It’s a strange thing to do – sit there and do basically nothing. Yet somehow this simple act of stopping, says the renowned American Buddhist teacher Pema Chodron, is the best way to cultivate our good qualities. (PDF Download, 7 pages, at https://pemachodronfoundation.org)

Leading a Meaningful Life
All sentient beings but, in particular, human beings, have the power to distinguish between happiness and suffering, good and bad, what is harmful and what is beneficial. Because of that ability to recognize and differentiate between these different types of feelings, we are all similar in wanting happiness and not wanting suffering. (Read more at studybuddhism.com)

Bodhicitta: The Excellence of Awakened Heart
The mind of enlightenment, called bodhichitta, is always available, in pain as well as in joy. Pema Chodron lays out how to cultivate this soft spot of bravery and kindness. (Read more at www.lionsroar.com)


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